Configure your site

The basic settings and configuration for your site reside in the _config.yaml file.


### basic settings

# site properties and page defaults
title: Lab Website Template
subtitle: A template by the Greene Lab
description: An easy-to-use, flexible website template for labs, with automatic citations, GitHub tag imports, pre-built components, and more.
logo-text: false
header: images/background.jpg
footer: images/background.jpg
header-dark: false
footer-dark: false
proofer: false

# site social media and other links
  orcid: 0000-0001-8713-9213
  google-scholar: ETJoidYAAAAJ
  github: your-lab
  twitter: YourLabHandle
  instagram: YourLabHandle
  youtube: YourLabChannel

### Jekyll settings to ignore

Headers/footers/sections have a solid color that overlays any background image to always maintain readability of text.

Last updated