Set up your URL

GitHub Pages gives you a few options for where your live site appears:

Example URL:

Purchasing a custom domain is highly recommended. It looks professional, it's easier to remember and type, and it's easy and cheap to set up (.coms are usually only about $10 per year).

To set this up, follow the instructions here. In summary:

  1. Purchase a domain name from a reputable service.

  2. Point your domain name provider to GitHub Pages using an A record. This is slightly different for each provider; they should have their own instructions on how to do it.

  3. Set the custom domain field in your repo's "⚙️ Settings".

After making any needed changes above, wait a bit (~30 seconds to 3 minutes) for your live site to redeploy to its new location. (You can check your repo's "▶️ Actions" for status.)

Last updated