Write basic content
To an external site:
To a page within your site:
The example above works in most cases, because your site is likely to only have top-level pages and the URL is relative to the level of the current page. If you have sub-pages or more complex linking needs, see below.
Link parameters
You can still link to an external, absolute URL, e.g. https://some-website.org/
. But if you are trying to link to something within your repo, the URL must start from the root of your repo, without any site name/"baseurl" prefix. You also cannot refer to files relative to the current file, or use the ..
to move up folders.
Basic text styles
Line breaks
Horizontal rule
With left-aligned, centered, and right-aligned columns.
Block quote
Code block
With syntax highlighting.
Inline code
Util classes
The template comes with a few alignment utility classes:
Most things in the template are centered by default where appropriate, and left/right in a few other places where appropriate. But sometimes you may want to force the alignment of something.
Last updated