Team members

How to add, remove, and edit team members

Add/remove members

To add or remove a team member, create or delete a Markdown file in /_members.

Each file will automatically generate its own page according to its filename. For example, a file with the name will generate a page at /members/tim-member.

After adding members, you can display them on your site with the list and portrait components.

name: Tim Member
image: images/team/some-image.jpg
role: programmer
description: Senior Programmer
  - T Member
  - T. Member
  - Timothy Member
  twitter: tims_twitter

A bio for Tim, written in Markdown.
A descriptions of his academic studies, his recent accomplishments, his goals for the future, his likes/dislikes, etc.
One or two paragraphs is probably best.


Display name of team member.


URL to portrait photo of team member.


Team member's role in your organization. Determines the icon and default description text to show. See /_data/types.yaml for what types of roles are built-in or to add your own.


Description of team member's role in your organization. Overrides any default text set from of role.


By default, team member pages have a link at the bottom that goes to the "Research" page and searches for any papers by them. This field is a list of aliases/variations/abbreviations of the team member's name to search for.


Social media links for the team member, without any prefixes like @, www., etc. See /_data/types.yaml for what types of links are built-in or to add your own.

role vs description

You can organize your team members any way you want with List filters and by customizing /_data/types.yaml. However, by default, role is intended to be a high-level type (only a few unique ones in your organization) that you assign an icon and use for coarse list filtering (e.g. "always list PIs first, then postdocs, then undergrads"). description is intended for a more specific description that might be unique to each member.

Customize member page

The skeleton arrangement and style of team member pages are based on the /_layouts/member.html template, which you can freely edit to your liking.

Last updated